After a tedious search for the perfect injector to join our practice, we are extremely privileged to welcome Hailey Hairrell, RN to Botox Sisters.

Hailey worked several years at Botox Sisters as a patient care associate and quickly developed a passion for aesthetic medicine. Laura and Rebecca saw great potential in Hailey and encouraged her to pursue nursing in hopes that someday she would become an injector at Botox Sisters. Hailey decided to follow her passion and started her journey in the healthcare industry. She earned a Bachelors degree at Long Beach State and soon after was accepted into the prestigious nursing program at Concordia University. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Nursing earning high honors in the program.

Hailey is thrilled to reunite with the Botox Sisters as a nurse injector. In addition to her own experience and hands on training, we have spent countless hours teaching Hailey the techniques we use to produce the natural results we are known for.

When she isn’t injecting at Botox Sisters, Hailey works as an ICU nurse in the organ transplant unit at UCLA. She also loves traveling, exercising and spending time with family and friends. We can’t wait for you to meet the beautiful and intelligent Nurse Hailey!

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